Monday, February 7, 2011

Unexpected Vacation

Thanks to a crazy winter storm, the whole family was able to stay home and play for four days. This picture is the ice covering our driveway after the first wave of wintery mix. It was at least an inch and a half thick on the whole driveway.
Austin and Dean trying to clear some of the ice. They were not very successful. It was too thick.
Austin in his first sheet fort. He loved it and so did his hair.
Sunny on the other hand was less than thrilled.
Here is day two of winter weather, actual snow. Sunny loved this.
Austin was not excited to be outside when the snow was actually coming down.
The whole family sitting on our front walkway.

Our driveway after the snow covered the ice that was already there. We were not going anywhere.
Much happier when the snow was on the ground and not falling in his face.
Helping Dean build a snowman.
The snow king!
Dean and the snow king. Check out his supervisors in the front window.
What a great time we had. Hopefully this Wednesday brings another surprise vacation and we can play in some more snow.

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