Friday, July 22, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 13 Weeks

Thirteen weeks.
Katie is to the point where she wants to sit up but can't hold herself up yet and tips over frequently.
Katie three months and Austin 28 months.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 12 Weeks

Twelve weeks. Katie has been so busy these days. She is starting to roll over, grasp things, smile more and more, talk to us and really track things with her eyes. She loves to watch Sunny and Austin every chance she gets.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 11 Weeks & 10 Years

Eleven weeks of life and ten years of marriage. Katie agreed to share her Teddy Bear picture with Mom this week. Marian puts her wedding dress on every year just for fun.
Here is the family after ten years of marriage. What a wonderful ten years it has been. Here's to ten more fantastic years.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 10 Weeks

Ten weeks. Katie is so strong and wants to move. She is trying to sit up all the time. She is also trying to turn over. Any day now.
Here she is pulling herself forward, one of her favorite things to do.