Monday, October 31, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 27 Weeks

Twenty-seven weeks. We started feeding Katie real food this week. It has not been her favorite thing. We are hoping to find something she loves, maybe sweet potatoes.
First bite, not so bad.
I'll try another.
Not my favorite.
Not again.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 26 Weeks

Twenty-six weeks. Katie is officially six months old and loving life. She will start real food this week, hopefully that transition is as easy for her as it was for Austin. We are going to start with the green vegetables, peas, green beans and avocados. Then on to orange veggies. We will definitely post pics.
Katie had her six month check-up and she weighs15 lbs 10 oz and is 26 in. long. Her growth seems to be leveling out just a bit. The doctor expects the addition of food to change that and we should see a growth spurt coming soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 25 Weeks

Twenty-five weeks.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 24 Weeks

Twenty-four weeks. Katie is really loving her puppy Sunny these days. She watches her constantly and tries to pet her whenever she can.
Just now realizing that the bear is wearing a ribbon. There is a whole new world out there for her to discover and we can't wait to be witness to that learning.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sweet Sunny

Sunny likes to be a part of the action. Here she is selecting a chalk color for her next picture.
Look closely and you will see what happens to a white dog when she lays on sidewalk chalk.
A worn out and loved frisbee. Don't worry, she now has a new one.
Our first baby. We love you Sunny.

Too Much Football

We go visit Dean at football practice at least once a week and football games, twice a week. Because of this, Austin has taken a great interest in tackling. He loves to try and strip you of the ball. Mom wasn't available to tackle, so he took it out on Bear.