Monday, August 16, 2010

Dallas Zoo - Giants of the Savannah

Austin went to the Dallas Zoo with his Nana, Pa and Mom this past week. He had so much fun seeing the Giants of the Savannah. Here are just a few of the pictures.Here he is driving the safari jeep.
A cheetah up close and personal.
Watching the giraffe eat a little snack of leaves and sweet potatoes.

Nana feeding the giraffe a piece of lettuce.
Austin just fed the giraffe some lettuce too.
Taking a sip from the creek.
The elephants were a big hit. Austin loves to make his elephant sound and raise his trunk.
Nana, Austin and Marian hanging out with the baby elephant.
Up close and personal with Patrick, the gorilla.
The classic zoo picture.
Watching the lions go through some training.

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