Eighteen weeks (4 months). Katie is now 25.5 inches and 14 lbs 11 oz. She is now sitting up on her own with very little assistance. She is starting to grab at everything and she can drool with the best of them. Watch out world, here I come.
Austin is 29 months and growing like a weed. He is 37.5 inches and 32 lbs. His imagination is really coming alive and it is so fun to watch him play. Right now he is loving cars and animals, Diego, UmiZoomi and the Wii. He is recognizing more and more letters and can write an A on his own. He can count to 10 and likes to practice this by playing hide and seek. He is very competitive when it comes to games, even if it is just reaching the top of the stairs first.
Above, first day of MDO. He is going to school two days a week this year.
Below, "Spikey Spikerton" on a hot summer day.