Monday, June 27, 2011

Do You Like This Face?

Austin has a new game, he asks us "Do you like this face?" and then proceeds to make a face. Here are just a select few of the faces we see.

These are the faces we like the best.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 9 Weeks

Nine weeks and 27 months. It is so fun to watch these two grow. Katie is starting to really pay attention to Austin and he loves showing her his toys or getting her a toy when she is upset.

Summer Fun

Dean is headed to Vegas next week and wanted to get in some practice time with his craps game. Austin joined right in and was all time roller. He always won and awarded himself with a blue chip each time.
It's pool time in the backyard. Sunny was very excited to see her pool make an appearance. Austin was loving Sunny with the hose.
Austin was not loving his pool with the hose. Water is not his favorite right now. We are working on it.
Katie hanging out and enjoying the shade.
The Fam. Austin giving Katie kisses, Dad swatting flies and drinking a big boy drink and Mom just hanging out enjoying the sight of her little family, the smell of the grill and her big girl drink. Oh how I have missed a good margarita. Good times.
Katie's aunts threw a Sip-N-See for her. We had a great time and I only have one picture of the event. Hopefully there are more out there I can post later. Here she is with Ellen.
Picnic dinner by the lake. Austin was too busy eating and would not look at the camera.
Dad and Katie.
Feeding the ducks.
Headed down to the lake to feed the ducks and fish.

Teddy Bear Thursday - 8 Weeks

Eight weeks. We didn't get a Teddy Bear picture taken this week, but here are some pictures of Katie at eight weeks. She had her two month check-up and she is doing great. She is now 12 lbs 1 oz and 23 inches long. She grew a whole inch in the last month. Maybe she is trying to be tall like her daddy.
She is smiling so much more and starting to coo and babble at us. She is also wiggling more and more everyday. She loves to spread her arms wide and kick, kick, kick.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just For Fun

Just some random photos from the last month.
Austin helping to feed Katie, of course he had to wear his Boss hat while doing it.
A first of many smiles to come.
Dean and the little ones in the hammock.
Our sweet family.
The sisters.

Just some backyard fun.
Here's to Summer!
Don't worry it is sparkling white grape juice. Austin is a huge fan.
Austin's first fish!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Teddy Bear Thursday - 6 Weeks

Six weeks. Katie is growing more and more each week. She is also becoming more alert and interested in her surroundings. She loves to watch Austin. He thinks that is pretty cool.